My Christmas Reward

Christmas abroad in a non-Christian country can be hard. You have to create the spirit of Christmas or it won’t happen at all. You miss family, get no holiday breaks. You don’t know how to teach that the holidays are about being together when your husband doesn’t even get the day off and worry about it coming across as just a massive day of presents. You spend 2 months planning and it’s over in a flash. Then you get handed this (albeit an hour after bed time) and suddenly you feel like you did something right.

Free DIY Christmas Activities for Older Kids

Living in a non-Christian country, we often have to create our own Christmas spirit.  And as the kids get older, they show less interest in the decorating, the baking, and the watching of shows like Rudolph and Frosty.

So this year I cut the baking and we didn't watch Elf.  Instead, I came up with some weekly activities that helped keep the spirit alive while also spending time with each other (away from screens even!).

Christmas Taboo

This is just the traditional concept of the game Taboo but the words are all holiday related.  I created my own list here, we just printed this off onto card stock and cut out the cards.  You can find other lists and fancier cards online too, but I've made the list I created available for free. 

Christmas Bingo

I found LOTS of free printable Christmas Bingo sheets, but almost all of them were either themed around Hallmark Christmas movies or were just picture-based (intended for younger children).  So I used the free Bingo card generator below and a list of Christmas scavenger hunt words to quickly custom make randomized Bingo cards.

We printed out a couple sets of cards (the generator creates 30 for free, which is more than enough), then picked out a few short Christmas specials to watch.  Depending on how hard or simple you make your cards, a game could take as little as 2 minutes or as long as an entire episode.

Christmas Spot It

I'm sure there's a better/proper name for this game, but for the life of me I can't remember what it's called. 

The concept is easy: gather up some Christmas themed images.  It could be Christmas cards, Advent calendars, movie stills, or just about any holiday themed photo/image.  Then write the letters A-Z on a sheet of paper.  Give yourselves 2 minutes to find objects in the photo that start with each letter of the alphabet.  When time is up, start reading out the items on your list.  You receive 1 point for each item that no one else thought of.

Example: you might look at a Christmas card showing the nativity, and write A: animal, B: baby, C: camel.  If no one else wrote down animal, you would get a point for that, but if any other player wrote down baby or camel, you scratch that word and no one gets a point for that.

It's easy, fast, and you can always give younger players a bit of a head start.

Christmas Charades

I wasn't sure how well the kids would handle this as we've never actually played charades before, but they did surprisingly well and had a lot of fun with it.  We printed out this free set of charade cards onto plain card stock.  It worked really well.